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What is Black Friday? | A description of Black Friday

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the literal translation of the term Black Friday, Assignment expert which marks the day when large American retailers make unbelievable product promotions, all with the biggest discounts seen over the course of the year.  In Brazil, we can call Black Friday Brazil or simply Black Friday, since the country has its own version of the commercial event since 2010, year in which the concept of Black Friday was popularized by the portal Busca Discounts.  In this link, presenter Ana Maria Braga talks about the origin of Black Friday and the arrival of the concept of shopping in Brazil.

What does Black Friday represent?

A day like Black Friday Brazil (or Black Friday, if you prefer) is a day when stores announce attractive prices to mark the beginning of Christmas season campaigns. For traders, this is the most profitable month of the year. Already for consumers, it is an expected chance to buy a particular product for a different price and still acquire the gifts for family and friends.

When's it going to be Black Friday?

Black Friday is usually the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, on the 4th Friday of November. As this year the first day of November has already fallen on a Friday, tradition predicts that Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated not on the 4th, but on the 5th week of the month, and so it will be with Black Friday.  Therefore, the Black Friday, in that year 2013, will be held on November 29.  From the first minute of the 29th, you can, through the Search Discounts website, check the offers of approximately 120 stores online. It is registered in the mailing of the action that already is considered one of the most important of all the electronic commerce of the country. In addition to receiving more information about Black Friday, you still compete for the award winning Countdown promotion. Check it!

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Now stores organize mass sales where the largest discount goes to the strongest. Those with the biggest gun - win. Maybe, is it the right time to show everyone who you are? Get the biggest discount. Sell ​​the goods and show how you make money. Make yourself the Strongest and Richest Sales Hunter.

What is Black Friday? | A description of Black Friday What is Black Friday? | A description of Black Friday Reviewed by Unknown on November 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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